The Mission of Piedmont Wildlife Center is to foster healthy connections among people, wildlife and nature. Wildlife is an integral part of our ecosystem and a reflection of the health of our environment. We help support wildlife and reduce the negative impact of our own species through the following programs:


Goals of the education program at Piedmont Wildlife Center include:

  • To increase the sense of personal connection with the natural world developed at an early age and foster for a lifetime
  • To expand knowledge and awareness of native flora and fauna
  • To heighten sensitivity to the needs of local wildlife
  • To increase overall community awareness about the environment, the impacts of development on wildlife, and how people can help conserve wildlife habitat
  • To provide opportunities for leadership at all levels, including specialized training and mentoring in field natural history, conservation biology, environmental education and nonprofit management
  • To deepen sensory awareness and increased kinesthetic abilities through outdoor learning
  • To cultivate the qualities that support community building which include an attitude of service, a sense of gratitude, tolerance for diversity, the ability to listen actively and speak plainly, personal responsibility and a belief in the value of peacemaking


Goals of the wildlife conservation program at Piedmont Wildlife Center include:

  • To inventory flora and fauna of Leigh Farm Park and surrounding New Hope Creek natural areas for existence of invasive species as well as threatened species and species of special concern.
  • To restore wildlife habitat in New Hope Creek that encourages native wildlife to live, roost and flourish in its natural areas
  • To provide nest boxes for native wildlife in New Hope Creek and encourage use in the backyards of area residents
  • To teach area residents how to provide food, water, cover and a place for wildlife to raise young in their backyard
  • To involve the public in community service through conservation projects
  • To study the human impact on various species of wildlife (current project is studying impact on box turtle population in Leigh Farm Park)

Promoting the care of injured and sick native wildlife

Goals of the wildlife care program at Piedmont Wildlife Center include:

  • To establish a network of local veterinarians willing to treat wildlife that need medical assistance and to facilitate wildlife medicine training opportunities for them
  • To support home rehabilitators through donations of food and supplies, volunteer support, transportation assistance, telephone support and grant opportunities
  • To operate a wildlife telephone hotline to refer injured and sick wildlife to the closest available care giver ensuring prompt medical treatment
  • To recruit new home wildlife rehabilitators
  • To facilitate training, educational and network opportunities for home rehabilitators
  • To participate in wildlife population, impact and disease studies